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Understanding Human Rights 동영상

Understanding Human Rights

Enrollment is Closed

MOOC 01 강좌 개요 및 목표

강좌 개요
This course will introduce the history, development, and key values of human rights. A variety of human rights issues will be covered on an international level, including prisoners' rights, transitional justice, women's rights, gender wage gap, displaced people, LGBTQ rights, etc.

At the completion of this course, students will be able to (1) describe historical development of human rights, (2) identify key legal documents relevant to protection of human rights, (3) discuss various human rights issues, and (4) describe value and importance of human rights.

MOOC 03 주차별 강좌 계획

Understanding Human Rights_강의계획서 내용 안내
Week Topic Subtopic Learning Activity
0 Overview of the Course Intro to the course & overview of what’s to come Lecture
1 The Development of Human Rights
  1. Fundamentals of human rights I: Definition of human rights
  2. Fundamentals of human rights II: Key values & aims
  3. Historical background of human rights
  4. Development of human rights I: Key documents
  5. Development of human rights II: Post-WWII universal human rights documents
Short discussion
2 Generations of Human Rights
  1. Generations of human rights: Intro
  2. Generations of Human Rights I: Civil and political rights
  3. Generations of Human Rights II: Economic, social and cultural rights
  4. Generations of Human Rights III: Solidarity rights
  5. A 4th generation of human rights?
  6. Challenges to generational rights
Short discussion
3 Human Rights Violations
  1. Human rights violations
  2. Human rights obligations & responsibilities
  3. Who violates human rights?
  4. National level human rights protective mechanisms
  5. International level human rights protective mechanisms & the role of the UN
Short discussion
4 Prisoner Rights: US vs Norway Prisons
  1. Intro & prisoner rights
  2. Case Study: Anders Breivik I – Background information
  3. Case Study: Anders Breivik II – Legal case & exploration of prison conditions
  4. Analysis of Norway’s cushy prisons
  5. Comparison of Norway’s cushy prisons & US harsh prisons
Short discussion
5 A Fourth Generation of Human Rights for the 21st Century
  1. Is a fourth generation of human rights needed?
  2. Terrorism and human rights: New challenges
  3. Case-study: The Apple vs. FBI case – Case info & its enduring legacy
  4. Internet/Communication Rights: The right to be forgotten
Short discussion
6 Transitional justice
  1. What is transitional justice?
  2. Where does transitional justice come from?
  3. Transitional justice objectives
  4. Transitional justice strategies
  5. Challenges for transitional justice
  6. Case study I: Oskar Groening
  7. Case study II: ‘Comfort women’
Short discussion
7 Transitional justice case study evaluation Offline Workshop Video
8 Midterm Exam
9 Women’s Rights &
The Gender Wage Gap
  1. History and development of women’s rights
  2. CEDAW
  3. Gender wage gap
  4. Focus on Iceland
Short discussion
10 Displaced People I
  1. Definition of displacement
  2. Types of displaced people & causes of displacement
  3. Definition of displaced people I: Refugees
  4. Definition of displaced people II: IDPs
  5. Definition of displaced people III: Asylum seekers
  6. Definition of displaced people IV: Migrants
  7. Definition of displaced people V: Stateless people
  8. The problematic nature of definitions of displaced people
Short discussion
11 Displaced People II
  1. Who helps displaced people? The role of the UNHCR I
  2. Problems & challenges
  3. The Syrian refugee crisis
  4. Trump’s travel ban
Short discussion
12 Yemeni Refugees in Jeju Offline Workshop Video
13 Case Study:
North Korean
Human Rights Issues
  1. North Korean human rights violations
  2. Attempts to deal with North Korean human rights abuses
  3. Human rights of North Koreans outside their homeland: China
  4. Human rights of North Koreans outside their homeland: South Korea
  5. Interview: The role NGOs play in helping North Korean refugees
Short discussion
14 LGBTQ Rights
  1. Definition of the LGBTQ community
  2. Evaluating the status of LGBTQ rights internationally
  3. Military issues I: South Korea
  4. Military issues II: The US
  5. Marriage equality
  6. Abuse and discrimination
  7. Why LGBTQ rights are underdeveloped?
Short discussion
15 Final Exam

MOOC 04 수강대상 및 학습활동

  • 수강대상
    Anyone with an interest in human rights issues

  • 수업구성
    Instructor’s lecture 60%, Learner participation 40%

  • 평가기준
    Attendance (Quiz) 25%, Discussion 15%, Test 60% (Midterm exam 30%, Final Exam 30%)

    • There will be a short quiz every week.
    • Students will need to contribute to the discussion board once a week. Students will be given a list of questions/prompts to respond to and will be required to contribute 200-250 words to the discussion board at the end of each unit.
    • The overall grade will be determined from the grades of quizzes (25%), discussion (15%), a midterm (30%), and a final (30%).

  • 이수증 발급
    Learners with an overall score of at least 60%

MOOC 05 교수 및 TA 소개

담당 교수
Professor Oliver Terry

Current Position
Professor at Sungshin Women’s University (General Ed.) (2015~)
Researcher at Peace Network Research Center (2014~)

MA in International Politics and Human Rights, City, University of London
BA in Sociology
담당 TA
JiYeon Lee TA

telephone: 02-920-2169

MOOC 06 자주묻는 질문


No textbook is required. Lecture handouts will be provided and links to useful further reading will be posted. If you want to do some background reading, ‘Understanding Human Rights – Dilemmas in World Politics (by Jack Donnelly)’ is suggested.


No background knowledge on the subject is needed as the course will cover the basics; everyone is welcome!

관련 강좌

현재 강좌와 관련있는 강좌를 찾을 수 없습니다.
  1. Subject

    Social Sciences
    (Social Sciences)
  2. 강좌 내용의 어려운 수준을 의미합니다. 교양, 전공기초, 전공심화 순으로 난이도가 증가합니다.

    Course difficulty

  3. 강좌를 개발하고 운영하는 기관입니다. 컨소시엄으로 운영 시, 대표기관의 명칭이 나타납니다


  4. 운영 기관의 전화번호 입니다.


  5. 강좌의 구성 주차 수를 의미합니다. (강좌를 충실히 학습하기 위해 필요한 주당 학습시간을 의미합니다.)

    Course Week
    (Estimated Effort)

    (주당 03시간 00분)
  6. 본 강좌 이수자에게 인정되는 학습시간으로 해당 강좌의 동영상, 과제, 시험, 퀴즈, 토론 등의 시간을 포함합니다. (강의 내용과 관련된 동영상 재생 시간의 총 합계입니다.)

    Accredited learning time
    (Video Duration)

    18시간 00분
    (10시간 34분)
  7. 수강신청이 가능한 기간으로 해당 기간 내에만 수강신청이 가능합니다.

    Registration Period

    2021.02.22 ~ 2021.06.06
  8. 강좌가 운영되고 교수지원이 이루어지는 기간입니다. 이수증은 강좌운영기간이 종료된 이후에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

    Classes Period

    2021.03.01 ~ 2021.06.18
  9. ※ 만족도 응답 표본 수 미달 등 일정 기준이 충족되지 않은 경우 별점이 공개되지 않을 수 있습니다.
  10. Video Transcript
