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Winning in Business: The Art of War by Sun Tzu 동영상

Winning in Business: The Art of War by Sun Tzu

본 강좌는 새로운 K-MOOC 플랫폼에서 운영하는 강좌입니다.

강좌 소개


The Art of War by Sun Tzu talks about war; it doesn’t however advocate winning by fighting, but rather “subdue the enemy without fighting”. He remolded war into competition, guiding people to pursue a supreme victory with the least loss to ourselves, the least damage to the both sides, the least resistance from the enemy, the least potential problems, and the greatest overall gain—a complete victory. This course focuses on winning, talks about the life and times of Sun Tzu, analyzes the essence and contemporary values of Sun Tzu’s strategy of winning, and combines dozens of business cases to explain systematically the innovative application of Sun Tzu’s seven winning methods in modern business competition, such as winning by knowledge, the moral law, diplomacy, energy, the indirect methods, and strength, which will inspire you to win competition and achieve win-win situations....

홍보/예시 영상

강좌 운영 계획

주차 주차명 차시명 과제
1 주차1 차시1 퀴즈1
차시2 토론
2 주차2 차시1 토론
3 주차3 차시1 상호평가

강좌운영팀 소개


Aijun Liu professor
Aijun Liu 교수
Aijun Liu Executive Dean, Ph.D., Professor and EMBA instructor
of the Institute of Chinese Management Thoughts, Jiangxi University
of Finance and Economics, previously was a Senior Manager in charge
of human resources with a listed company for three years. And he is
the main instructor of the National Excellent Video Public Course
“Sun Tzu’s Winning Strategies: Application in Business” (known as
the “Most Interesting Course” on NetEase Public Course platform;
there are only five such courses in China). He has long specialized
in The Art of War by Sun Tzu, human resources management,
leadership development, and won many awards including the Second
Prize of the First National Micro-lecture Competition, Provincial
Outstanding CPC Member, and Provincial Outstanding Person in
Jiangxi, and Top Ten Teachers, Excellent Teacher, Ethical Model for
Teachers, First Prize in Excellent Teaching Achievement at Jiangxi
University of Finance and Economics.
Haohua Liu professor
Haohua Liu 교수
Haohua Liu, Professor, Ph D Supervisor, graduated from the PLA
Logistics Command Institute, with a doctorate in military science
and the rank of colonel. After transferring to Jiangxi University
of Finance and Economics, he became the head of the department and
Deputy Dean of the School of Business Administration, and went to
England and Spain as a visiting scholar respectively. He is also
Executive Director of China Society of Logistics, Deputy Director
of the Expert Committee of Jiangxi Transportation and Logistics
Association, Director of the Expert Committee of Nanchang
Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, Visiting Professor of Inner
Mongolia University, etc. At present, he teaches courses such as
Military Strategy and Strategic Management, The Art and Strategy of
War and various logistics courses. He has published 16 books and
more than 50 research papers, and completed over 20 national-level
and provincial-level research projects.
Wei Zhong professor
Wei Zhong 교수
Wei Zhong, Ph.D. in management, post-doctorate in applied
economics, Deputy Director of the Human Resources Department of the
Institute of Chinese Management Thoughts, Jiangxi University of
Finance and Economics. A “Gold Medal Teacher” title winner, he has
taught more than 10 courses including Chinese Traditional Culture
and Management, Business Ethics, Sun Tzu’s The Art of War and
Corporate Operations, Performance Management, and Employee Training
Management. His current research focuses on Confucian management
thinking and human resources management and is devoted to the
innovative integration of ancient and modern Chinese and Western
management thoughts. He has presided over and participated in more
than 10 research projects sponsored by the National Social Science
Foundation, the National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry
of Education, and the provincial government.
Weihua YE professor
Weihua YE 교수
Weihua YE, Prof., Dr., Dean of the School of Overseas
Education, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics (JUFE).
Previously he was a coordinator of the joint JUFE-NYIT MBA program,
a visiting scholar at New York Institute of Technology (NYIT),
Director of the Office of International Exchange and Cooperation at
JUFE, Dean of the School of Foreign Languages at JUFE. For many
years, he has been the main instructor of the courses Management,
Managerial Communication, Business Management, Business
Translation, etc. He is also the main translator of the online
course “Winning in Business: The Art of War by Sun Tzu”. With rich
experience in corporate training, he has been invited to teach in
many well-known enterprises, including Nanchang Hi-tech Investment
Group, OPPO Jiangxi, China Ruilin, Black Cat Group, Jiangxi Water
Conservancy Investment Group, etc.
Liangliang Chen professor
Liangliang Chen 교수
Liangliang Chen, Lecturer, is currently working in the Supply
Chain Management Department of SAIC-Volkswagen. Previously he
worked in IBM GBS. He graduated from Tongji University, with a
Master’s degree in Corporate Management. His research interests
include Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Multinational Business
Negotiations, Corporate Innovation Management. An advocate for
close integration of theory and practice, he is studying Sun Tzu’s
The Art of War together with Dr. Liu Aijun from Jiangxi University
of Finance and Economics.


한국대학교 전산학 박사과정

강좌 수강 정보


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※ 총 60% 이상 점수 획득 시, 이수증을 발급받을 수 있습니다.

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네. 있습니다.





관련 강좌

현재 강좌와 관련있는 강좌를 찾을 수 없습니다.
  1. Subject

    Social Sciences
    (Business Administration & Economics)
  2. 강좌 내용의 어려운 수준을 의미합니다. 교양, 전공기초, 전공심화 순으로 난이도가 증가합니다.

    Course difficulty

  3. 강좌를 개발하고 운영하는 기관입니다. 컨소시엄으로 운영 시, 대표기관의 명칭이 나타납니다


  4. 운영 기관의 전화번호 입니다.


  5. 강좌의 구성 주차 수를 의미합니다. (강좌를 충실히 학습하기 위해 필요한 주당 학습시간을 의미합니다.)

    Course Week
    (Estimated Effort)

    (주당 03시간 00분)
  6. 본 강좌 이수자에게 인정되는 학습시간으로 해당 강좌의 동영상, 과제, 시험, 퀴즈, 토론 등의 시간을 포함합니다. (강의 내용과 관련된 동영상 재생 시간의 총 합계입니다.)

    Accredited learning time
    (Video Duration)

    03시간 00분
    (03시간 00분)
  7. 수강신청이 가능한 기간으로 해당 기간 내에만 수강신청이 가능합니다.

    Registration Period

    2022.04.27 ~ 2022.07.09
  8. 강좌가 운영되고 교수지원이 이루어지는 기간입니다. 이수증은 강좌운영기간이 종료된 이후에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

    Classes Period

    2022.04.27 ~ 2022.07.30