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The Korean Economic Development 동영상

The Korean Economic Development

본 강좌는 새로운 K-MOOC 플랫폼에서 운영하는 강좌입니다.

강좌 대표이미지


The Korean economy has achieved remarkable growth during the last 6 decades. At the time of Korea’s independence from Japan in 1945, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. Moreover, the division of the Korean peninsula and the Korean War in 1950 has made the South Korean economy in miserable condition. In many senses, Korea fell in the poverty trap where the vicious cycle of poverty and under-development had re-enforced each other. However, the growth performance of the Korean economy after the end of the war in 1953 was truly remarkable, and many people call it as the “Miracle of the Han River”.

I am very glad to have an opportunity to deliver the progress Korea has made on the internet. I hope you would enjoy my lectures as well as all the additional services this course provides. It would be my great pleasure if you could enhance your understanding about Korea and development economics in general by the time you finish the course.

- Professor Lee, Doo Won


The goal of this course is to let the learners to understand the economic development experience of Korea in global perspective. Those who are interested in development economics will be able to enhance their knowledge about economic development and East Asian economies. Eventually, the instructor wishes to provide meaningful policy implications to developing countries who try to follow the Korean experience.


Knowledge on Principles of Economics is needed. Any text book on Principles of Economics would be fine. Knowledge on International Economics would be recommended.


Please note that this lecture is only available as an audit course. Therefore, this course does not provide certificate or any learning support.
본 강좌는 '청강'으로 운영되므로 학습지원 및 이수증 발급이 불가합니다.


A: 100 – 90
B: 89 – 75
C: 74 – 50
FAIL: 49 – 0


Professor Doowon Lee

Lee, Doo Won

Professor, School of Economics, Yonsei University

Professor Lee Doo won is a professor of economics at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. He graduated from Yonsei University in 1987, and has acquired Ph.D. in economics at Northwestern University in 1992. His area of specialty lies in international economics, development economics, and East Asian economies. He has been teaching the Korean Economic Development for more than 20 years.




Jeong Won, Ko
Yonsei University Economics Graduate Student




Major topic:
1. Introduction

2. 1940s and 1950s

3. 1960s

4. 1970s

5. 1980s

6. The Early 1990s

7. 1997 Asian Financial Crisis

8. 2008 Global Financial Crisis & Beyond
9. The Korean Economy Macroeconomic Management
10. Korean Corporate Sector
11. The North Korean Economy & Economics of Unification                                       
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관련 강좌

현재 강좌와 관련있는 강좌를 찾을 수 없습니다.
  1. Subject

    Social Sciences
    (Business Administration & Economics)
  2. 강좌 내용의 어려운 수준을 의미합니다. 교양, 전공기초, 전공심화 순으로 난이도가 증가합니다.

    Course difficulty

  3. 강좌를 개발하고 운영하는 기관입니다. 컨소시엄으로 운영 시, 대표기관의 명칭이 나타납니다


  4. 운영 기관의 전화번호 입니다.


  5. 강좌의 구성 주차 수를 의미합니다. (강좌를 충실히 학습하기 위해 필요한 주당 학습시간을 의미합니다.)

    Course Week
    (Estimated Effort)

    (주당 00시간 40분)
  6. 본 강좌 이수자에게 인정되는 학습시간으로 해당 강좌의 동영상, 과제, 시험, 퀴즈, 토론 등의 시간을 포함합니다. (강의 내용과 관련된 동영상 재생 시간의 총 합계입니다.)

    Accredited learning time
    (Video Duration)

    08시간 30분
    (04시간 00분)
  7. 수강신청이 가능한 기간으로 해당 기간 내에만 수강신청이 가능합니다.

    Registration Period

    2018.08.20 ~ 2018.12.28
  8. 강좌가 운영되고 교수지원이 이루어지는 기간입니다. 이수증은 강좌운영기간이 종료된 이후에 발급받을 수 있습니다.

    Classes Period

    2018.09.03 ~ 2018.12.28